Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Senator Thune Explains the Stimulus to Dumb America

Now that we've bailed out so many fat cats, do we really need to be spending more money to help the American people? The GOP would like everyone to know that a trillion dollars is a lot of money! And lest we forget, there are still ballparks in need of names. Priorities, people.

Fear not, America's non-reading, visual learners: Senator John Thune (R-SD) is here to help. If you, like I, do not understand the concept of money, and can only absorb the most rudimentary ideas if they come in the form of the amazing facts vade mecum variety, then his show-me-don't-tell-me explanation of the stimulus bill will bring all relevant facts to light. He gives this kid a run for his money.

Senator, to your point, how many hamburgers (lettuce, tomato, no cheese) to reach the moon?

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