Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Penny Saved for Tom Daschle...

Here is an '80s campaign ad extolling the virtues of Tom Daschle's then-modest tastes:

So then, was it just Tom's instinctual tight-fistedness which caused him to omit reporting the use of the car and driver (an earnings equivalent of $255,000 over three years) provided for him by the InterMedia Advisors, a private equity firm he was consulting for?

Query why Tom needed (needs?) to be driven around at all, or why he'd agree to it, since he once took such pride in puttering around DC in his beat-up 1971 Pontiac.  Guess all that quaint South Dakotan "sentimentality and cheapness" went out the window the second those special interest groups offered him the wheels and chauffeur — and, let's not forget — some very healthy compensation.

How did Team Obama miss the glaring inappropriateness of Daschle's tax evasions and ties to numerous interest relationships?  Never mind - we got our apology today.  In fact, we almost fell over when we heard the words, "I screwed up" come out of a standing US President's mouth.  

Between this and his shirt-sleeves in the Oval Office, you might just think that Obama is under the crazy impression that he works for the citizenry, rather than rules over it.

Hat tip: The Daily Dish, Andrew Sullivan; Eclectic Dialectics

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