Friday, February 6, 2009

All about Recessionista

Lest more Marie Antoinettes contract hypothermia wandering Madison Avenue in fruitless search of their favorite stores, it's time for them to go home, warm up, and dial their therapists. Their worst nightmare has hit, in the form of this Reuters headline:
Recessionistas In, Fashionistas Out in Bad Economy
So it seems that Recessionistas — or, those who enjoy being fashionable on a budget — are replacing Fashionistas as the "It" Girls of our economically-beleaguered moment.  

While Fashionistas have been pouting and wingeing about the major cramp the Economaggedon has put in their outrageous lifestyles, Recessionistas have been quietly emerging from the wings, hunting down online bargains, picking up Fashionista cast-offs at their local Goodwill branch, and (gasp) nourishing themselves with home cooking. 

Now, armed with their very own blog and a growing list of articles detailing the tenets of their cause, Recessionistas are taking center stage. 

Here's a choice quote from the Reuters piece about how Fashionista habits are now passé:
"There is something grotesque about paying full price -- $2,500 - $3,500 on a handbag. It is such a dumb thing to do," said Mandi Norwood, former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan and Mademoiselle magazines. "It is very chic to save and very chic to get a deal. Any girl wants to look stylish but also be perceived as smart." 
So, then, it took nothing less than a global economic meltdown to make being "a smart girl" hip.  Fine, we'll take it.


  1. Let's be clear here, I'm talking about buying a $49.99 Anya Hindmarch bag at Target on my blog, The Recessionista. I was never one who paid $2,500 - $3,500 on a handbag.

    But thanks for reading the blog,

  2. Hi Recessionista: We understand how it was unclear from our former post who made the comment about the bags. We've edited it to make sure it's clearer. Thanks for commenting!
